To say that public service isn’t all sunshine and roses, would be – – well a bit of an understatement. Especially for one at the top of the so called food chain (like a President, Governor or Mayor) and the next level of subordinates (Secretaries, Commissioners, Directors and Department Heads) the media has always been

The purpose of this blog is not supposed to be political, its a forum to discuss ethics and government in Vermont. If you want politics, you can check out my political blog over at Sugaring Off. With that said, it’s important to discuss the ethical dilemmas (and the associated procedural and policy hurdles)

Right now the Burlington City Council is deciding whether it should sell Burlington’s homegrown telecom to either an experienced and highly-regarded Canadian corporation (which has offered $30.5 million) or a well-intentioned, but inexperienced and underfunded local group (which has offered $12 million). My VPR Commentary on the merits of the proceedings, can be found here